The Queens Street Cruise Committee and SAH Volunteer Fundraising Committee come together to present a cheque to SAHF.

On August 18th, the SAH Volunteer Fundraising Committee joined the Queen Street Cruise Committee to present a cheque to Sault Area Hospital Foundation. We were ecstatic to see that $6,670.95 was donated to the Foundation to help purchase medical equipment for our Sault Area Hospital.
Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the Queen Street Cruise on June 17 and June 18, 2022. Between Friday’s Cruise and Saturday’s Car Show at the GFL Memorial Gardens, we saw over 300 vehicles participate in the event.
Volunteers were on hand throughout the weekend, handling Pre-registration, Registration, directing cars to parking, selling Dash Plaques and SAHF 5 Car Draw tickets. Though it was a lot of work, it was also a lot of fun – and the volunteers handled everything brilliantly. Their performance was commented upon by Gary Trembinski Sr., a member of the Queen Street Cruise Committee.
“I want to give a special thank you to the awesome team of volunteers that handled the registration table and made everyone feel welcome and appreciated."
Gary Trembinski Sr., Queen Street Cruise Committee
Adding to the success of the Queen Street Cruise was a donation from Pino's Get Fresh. They gifted proceeds from selling sausages at the event, raising an additional $1,500 for SAHF!
Kudos to everyone involved in this event! We are looking forward to next year’s Queen Street Cruise and hope to see you all there in June 2023.
You can help to fund vital equipment at Sault Area Hospital with a donation to SAHF.