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New Medical Imaging Equipment At SAH

Medical Imaging is a critical area of Sault Area Hospital. From ultrasounds to X-rays, CAT scans to MRIs, Medical Imaging helps our caregivers see what’s going on inside a patient’s body.

Two technologists stand beside the new Gamma Camera, a piece of Medical Imaging Equipment
Technologists Kelin and Devdoot with the new Gamma Camera

Last year, SAHF supporters helped to fund the Medical Imaging Department with $1.7 million of vital equipment.

Here are three examples of the equipment that our community helped to fund.

A new Mammography Unit. This is a critical tool primarily used to screen for, diagnose, and monitor illnesses.

Two brand new Ultrasound Units. The new units replaced machines that were in use for over 10 years! Not only are they easier to adjust – they provide incredible image quality.

A new Gamma Camera. This device helps to diagnose problems with the body’s organs and systems. The camera replaces a 10-year-old model and has new technology providing clearer images in a shorter amount of time. This means that scans can take less time, which makes them more comfortable for patients and saves time for the care team.

The Medical Imaging team needs your continued support. This department will need over $14 million in new equipment over the next 10 years. That’s almost 30% of the $50 million total needed by our hospital.

With your help, we can replace equipment that is nearing the end of its life and continue providing outstanding care for the people of Algoma.


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