On March 31st at 11 am, Joanne Cain of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, won the $217,710 jackpot in the Sault Area Hospital Foundation’s (SAHF) March electronic and online 50/50 draw. Her lucky number (Q-3470505) was drawn electronically, and she was contacted immediately. Joanne was at home working around the house when the call came through. She didn’t recognize the number, and just missed the first call. A few minutes later she checked her voicemail. “It was just after 11am and someone from the Foundation was calling me. I started to get emotional. It was the first thing that came to my mind: I won!” said Joanne during a follow up call. “I called back and that’s when it really hit me. I didn’t even know how much the prize was.” Joanne plans to do what she intended when she retired last year: enjoy life. Still in shock, she didn’t talk about spoiling herself with her win – instead focusing on the people she was going to share it with, the renovations she wanted to do to her family cottage, and the hospital she wanted to support. “This money is going help set me in the direction I had planned when I retired. It’s truly life changing. I never bought to win – I just know how much our hospital needs the money to care for everyone in this city, and I joined in,” explained Joanne. “I’m so thrilled to be part of this to help purchase equipment for Sault Area Hospital. Everyone at the hospital has been working so hard this past year to keep us safe. Thank you!” Joanne also notified the Foundation that she would be making a donation back to SAHF. SAHF 50/50 has awarded over $200,000 to seven straight monthly winners. March’s draw brings SAHF’s total prizes awarded to nearly $2.7 million since November 2019. Moving into April, SAHF is making some more changes and additions to the draws to keep them exciting. “It’s incredible the impact a monthly draw can have on our community. We know what it’s doing for our healthcare; it’s outstanding. We’ve just received a list of new equipment we’ll be working to purchase for Sault Area Hospital, and we are extremely motivated to keep this draw going strong because we know how important each piece is,” said Teresa Martone, Executive Director, Sault Area Hospital Foundation. “When we introduced the early bird draws, we wanted to give back to the community that means so much to us. Because of your support, we’ve been able to award $14,000 in local gift cards throughout the last seven draws. After surveying our purchasers, we are moving to offer cash early bird prizes starting in April. Ultimately, this is our community’s draw – and any changes that will encourage more people to support our hospital help us all win.” Starting this month, the SAHF 50/50 early bird draws will consist of two draws for $2,000 cash prizes. The first draw this month is on April 8th. Tickets for SAHF’s April 50/50 draw are already on sale, and the grand prize grows with every purchase. This month’s early bird draws are on:
From the time of purchase, tickets are eligible for all upcoming draws this month – including the grand prize at the end of the month. Tickets will be available for purchase until April 29th at 9 PM and the draw takes place on April 30th at 11 AM.
Congratulations to last month’s early bird winners: Carol Bonnema (Q-5630947), Brian Hebert (Q-1790648), Lyle McVey (Q-4510829), and Mary Stilin (Q-1620101).
SAHF 50/50 tickets can be purchased by anyone 18+ years old within the province of Ontario at www.soo5050.ca. Visit the page regularly and follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/saultareahospitalfoundation) where the winning number reveal takes place live for each draw.
On behalf of the entire community, thank you to all who continue to support. When our hospital purchases equipment like this, we all win.
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