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Your support helps babies breathe, easily

You can help the smallest patients at our hospital, and give the gift of lifesaving breath.

If you know someone with sleep apnea, you may be familiar with CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). CPAP uses a type of mask that blows air through the nose to support breathing. For newborns, specialized CPAP units can support their little lungs, so they don't have to work as hard to breathe.

CPAP is used most often with babies who are premature, or those born by C-section. When their lungs are underdeveloped or have fluid in them, it can be hard for the baby to draw breath in. CPAP gently pushes air into the baby's lungs, helping them relax and learn to breathe on their own. Sometimes babies only need to use this machine for a few hours or a day, but it makes all the difference in their care!

Dr. Sandra Stevenson, Paediatrician

"CPAP is one of the biggest advances in neonatal medicine. This tool helps us keep more kids local for care. And for the ones that need more advanced care, we get to have them back sooner since we have CPAP available at our hospital."

- Dr. Sandra Stevenson, Pediatrician

CPAP can help care providers avoid more invasive treatments, like intubation (placing a "breathing tube"). Our Women and Children's Health unit has 3 CPAP units - 2 newer ones that are preferred by our care providers and 1 older model that is a reliable back-up option. The newer equipment is easier for staff to set up, and offers a higher flow rate (more oxygen going in).

When twins are born, they are often premature - and may both need CPAP to help them breathe easier. With only 3 machines available, it can be stressful for our care staff if there are multiple, unexpected premature births. Having more CPAP machines helps our care teams coordinate best-practice CPAP treatment instead of resorting to more invasive treatment options for babies that need breathing support.

Local donations can help ensure we have enough CPAP machines to help the smallest patients in our hospital.


Your donation now can help newborns breathe.



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